> 春节2024 > 过年拜年收压岁钱吗英语




The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. During this time, people visit their relatives and friends to exchange greetings and well wishes. One exciting tradition during the Spring Festival is the giving of \"压岁钱\" (yāsuìqián), also known as lucky money. This custom involves older family members giving money to younger ones as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the new year.

The practice of giving \"压岁钱\" has a long history and is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. It is believed that the money will help ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity and happiness to the recipient. Children are especially excited about receiving \"压岁钱\" as it is a chance for them to save or spend on something they desire. The amount of money given varies from family to family, but it is usually in small denominations, such as 10 or 20 yuan.

In recent years, the tradition of giving \"压岁钱\" has evolved with modern technology. Instead of physical cash, many families now give lucky money in the form of digital red envelopes. These red envelopes, called \"hongbao,\" can be sent and received through mobile payment apps. This new method adds convenience and excitement to the tradition, as children can instantly receive their lucky money on their smartphones.

The concept of \"luck\" is deeply ingrained in Chinese culture, and \"压岁钱\" carries a symbolic meaning beyond its monetary value. It represents the hopes and well wishes of the elders for the younger generation. The act of giving and receiving \"压岁钱\" strengthens family bonds and fosters a sense of generosity and kindness.

From an English perspective, the term \"压岁钱\" can be translated as \"luck money\" or \"lucky money.\" Both translations capture the essence of the tradition and convey the idea that the money brings good fortune.


In this article, we encounter a common mistake in an English composition related to the Spring Festival. The corrected version should be:

1. \"New Year\'s Day is coming.\"

2. \"Most children can get the money.\"

3. \"For us, the Spring Festival is a time of joy and celebration.\"

It is important to pay attention to grammar and sentence structure when writing in English. By correcting these errors, we can effectively convey our thoughts and ideas to a wider audience.


The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a time when various traditions and customs are practiced. These include the following:

- \"福\"字 (fúzì) - The character \"福\" (fú) meaning \"luck\" or \"blessing\" is prominently displayed during the Spring Festival. It is often seen written in calligraphy and displayed in homes and public spaces. This is believed to bring good luck and fortune for the new year.

- 年画 (niánhuà) - Another important tradition is the hanging of traditional Chinese New Year paintings called \"年画\" (niánhuà). These beautiful paintings depict different themes and symbols associated with the festival, such as auspicious animals, flowers, and deities. They are believed to bring blessings and ward off evil spirits.

- 守岁 (shǒusuì) - \"守岁\" (shǒusuì) refers to staying up late on New Year\'s Eve to welcome the arrival of the new year. This tradition is practiced to ensure good fortune and longevity for the family. It is common for families to gather together, enjoy a festive meal, and engage in activities such as playing games or watching the Spring Festival Gala on television.

- 放炮仗 (fàngpàozhàng) - The tradition of setting off firecrackers during the Spring Festival is believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck. However, in recent years, due to safety concerns and environmental considerations, the use of firecrackers has been restricted in many cities.

- 吃年糕 (chī niángāo) - \"年糕\" (niángāo), or glutinous rice cake, is a staple food during the Spring Festival. It is believed to bring prosperity and a higher position in the coming year. The cake is usually steamed or fried and can be enjoyed in various ways, such as sweet or savory dishes.

- 拜年 (bàinián) - The tradition of paying visits to friends and relatives during the Spring Festival is called \"拜年\" (bàinián). It is a way to extend greetings and well wishes for the new year. When visiting, it is customary to bring gifts or \"压岁钱\" (yāsuìqián) for children.


The phrase \"过年拜年收压岁钱\" can be translated as \"receiving lucky money during the Spring Festival visitations.\" It is a common practice for children to receive \"压岁钱\" (lucky money) from older family members or relatives as a symbol of blessings and good luck for the new year.

The term \"红包\" (hóngbāo), which means \"red envelope,\" is often used to represent \"压岁钱\" in English. The act of giving money in a red envelope is a traditional way to show affection and blessings during the Spring Festival.

According to a popular saying, when giving \"压岁钱,\" one must wrap the red envelope in red paper to bring good luck and fortune. The act of receiving \"压岁钱\" is an exciting and joyful moment for children, as it symbolizes prosperity and blessings for the year ahead. It is also a way for elders to express their love and care for the younger generation.


The Spring Festival is a time of joy and celebration in China, with various customs and activities taking place. Here are some common traditions and activities observed during this festive period:

1. 春节联欢晚会 (Chūnjié liánhuān wǎnhuì) - The Spring Festival Gala is a highly anticipated television variety show that airs on the eve of the lunar new year. It features performances by famous singers, dancers, and comedians, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of China. Many people gather with their families to watch this grand event, which has become a beloved tradition.

2. 拜年 (Bàinián) - The act of paying visits to friends and relatives during the Spring Festival is an important way to strengthen familial and social bonds. People exchange New Year\'s greetings and well wishes, offering blessings for a prosperous and successful year ahead. It is customary to bring gifts or \"压岁钱\" (lucky money) for the younger generation as a token of good luck.

3. 焰火 (Yàn huǒ) - Fireworks have long been associated with the Spring Festival. Lighting fireworks and firecrackers is believed to drive away evil spirits and bad luck, ushering in a year of peace and prosperity. However, due to safety concerns and environmental protection efforts, the use of fireworks has been restricted in many cities, with professional displays being organized instead.

4. 买年货 (Mǎi niánhuò) - Before the Spring Festival, people engage in the tradition of buying New Year\'s goods. This includes purchasing food, decorations, and gifts for family and friends. Some popular items include traditional snacks like \"糖果\" (tángguǒ) - candies, \"糕点\" (gāodiǎn) - pastries, and \"年糕\" (niángāo) - sticky rice cake.

5. 家庭聚会 (Jiātíng jùhuì) - The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions. People travel long distances to spend time with their loved ones, sharing meals and exchanging stories. It is a joyful occasion that reinforces the importance of family and kinship.

Chinese New Year is an exciting and lively festival that is deeply rooted in tradition. It is a time for people to come together, celebrate, and create lasting memories.


The English translation for \"过春节的时候,孩子们会收到大人们给的压岁钱\" is \"During the Spring Festival, children receive lucky money from adults.\" It is a tradition for older family members or relatives to prepare \"压岁钱\" (lucky money) for the younger generation as a symbol of blessings and good fortune for the new year.

The act of giving \"压岁钱\" strengthens family bonds and fosters a sense of generosity and care. It is also a way to teach children the value of saving and managing money. The amount of money given may vary, but the gesture and intention behind it remain the same - to wish the younger generation a prosperous and successful year ahead.


The English translation for \"在除夕夜,家家户户都会把晚餐弄得丰盛,美味\" is \"On New Year\'s Eve, every household prepares a sumptuous and delicious dinner.\" It is a tradition for families to gather together and enjoy a festive meal to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one.

This special dinner, known as \"年夜饭\" (nián yè fàn), typically consists of a wide variety of dishes that are considered auspicious and symbolic. Common dishes include fish, dumplings, spring rolls, and various meat and vegetable dishes. The feast is a way to celebrate abundance and good fortune for the coming year, and it is an occasion for family members to reconnect and express their love and care for one another.

The New Year\'s Eve dinner holds great significance in Chinese culture, as it represents the unity and harmony within the family. It is a time for joyous celebration and expressing gratitude for the past year while looking forward to a prosperous future.


A: \"Happy Spring Festival!\"

B: \"Happy Spring Festival to you too!\"

A: \"Did you set off firecrackers yesterday?\"

B: \"Yes, we did. My father even bought a whole box of them!\"

Setting off firecrackers is a popular activity during the Spring Festival. It is believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck for the new year. Many families gather outside their homes to enjoy the excitement and noise of the firecrackers. It\'s a thrilling and festive way to kick off the celebrations.